Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Powerful Verbs

Some words sound much better than others when we are reading or writing. We have been working on our creative dictionaries to help us with our writing.

In you head, can you think of 3 new words you have learned this week from your creative dictionary?

Which is more interesting to read?

1. The woman looked at the dog
2. The woman looked quickly at the dog
3. The woman glanced at the dog.

Today, you are going to be working on methods to improve your writing. You're going to need your creative dictionary for this exercise!

Examine the picture below

So we want to use as man POWERFUL VERBS as possible.
Complete the following steps:

1. Read the passage below

2. Write out the underlined words in your English copy.

3. Flick through your creative dictionary to find an even better word and write it beside it in your copy.

4. Reread the passage with the new words- doesn't this sound much better?! :)

The dog ran across the road. A car was coming and the dog's owner called out to it. Luckily, the dog and the driver didn't have any injury but the driver was very angry. The owner said he was sorry and put the dog on its lead.

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